In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment is a assisted reproductive procedure utilized to treat infertility stemming from various causes including tubal disease, male factor infertility, endometriosis, and unexplained factors. The IVF process involves ovarian stimulation to produce multiple eggs, retrieval of the eggs via ultrasound-guided needle aspiration, followed by fertilization of the eggs in the laboratory. The resulting embryos are cultured for 3-5 days before being transferred into the uterine cavity under ultrasound guidance. IVF treatment in Chennai offers advanced fertility services to individuals and couples seeking to overcome infertility challenges and achieve their dream of parenthood
During IVF, eggs are gathered from a lady's ovaries in an outpatient surgery and prepared by sperm in our lab
On the off chance that the male accomplice has a strange semen investigation, at that point preparation is accomplished by infusing a solitary sperm into each egg in a procedure called Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Singular medicines are called IVF cycles, and one cycle takes around 2 a month, coming full circle in various eggs being recovered from a lady's ovaries and prepared with sperm
The treated eggs, presently called undeveloped organisms, are then embedded into the lady's uterus three to five days after preparation - or might be solidified for use in a resulting cycle
Before implantation, incipient organisms can likewise be tried for their hereditary fitness. Our PGT-An and PGT-M tests permit us to distinguish hereditary or chromosomal imperfections in an incipient organism before being utilized in an IVF cycle.
PGT-An and PGT-M have been appeared to expand achievement rates, diminish unnatural birth cycle, dispense with the death of acquired conditions on to ensuing kids, and decrease the complete time it takes you to accomplish pregnancy.
Your ripeness specialist at Boston IVF will work with you to decide an individualized and fitting pathway to assist you with accomplishing your objectives in making or developing your family
Who Needs IVF ?
Age Related Infertility:
IVF is offered as an essential treatment for barrenness in ladies over age 40. Over the span of lady's typical regenerative life, her ovarian capacity diminishes with age. As a rule, this decreased capacity can be defeated using IVF alone, or related to procedures, for example, Assisted Hatching and ICSI. For certain ladies, this decline in ovarian capacity may begin at prior ages and requires forceful treatment with IVF in the near future.
Damage to Fallopian Tubes:
Fallopian tube harm or blockage makes it hard for an egg to be fertilized or for an embryo organism to head out to the uterus.
Fertility preservation for cancer or other health conditions:
Fertility preservation for malignant growth or other ailments. In case you're going to begin disease therapy, for example, radiation or chemotherapy that could hurt your fertility, IVF for fertility conservation might be an alternative. Ladies can have eggs reaped from their ovaries and frozen in an unfertilized state for sometime in the future. Or on the other hand the eggs can be treated and frozen as undeveloped organisms for sometime later.
Ladies who don't have a practical uterus or for whom pregnancy represents a genuine wellbeing danger may pick IVF utilizing someone else to convey the pregnancy (gestational transporter). For this situation, the lady's eggs are prepared with sperm, yet the subsequent undeveloped organisms are set in the gestational transporter's uterus.
Male Factor Infertility:
One of the main advances in the treatment of infertility has been the capacity for men with serious sperm anomalies to accomplish preparation of the egg and effective pregnancy. IVF with the expansion of ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) has empowered couples experiencing anomalous sperm, who might not in any case have the option to consider, to have the option to begin a family. ICSI is frequently suggested if there is any proposal of a sperm issue, if sperm are acquired carefully, or if there has been an earlier disappointment of treatment.
Unexplained Infertility:
Approximately 20% of couples will have no recognizable reason for infertility subsequent to finishing an comprehensive assessment. IVF is frequently effective regardless of whether more moderate medicines have fizzled, particularly since a portion of these couples may have yet unidentifiable reasons for barrenness or sub-fertility.
After Family Planning IVF:
For families that wish to have additional children after doing family planning you can have child using IVF Treatment.
Hereditary TESTING
Our specialists frequently prescribe PGT-An and PGT-M (preimplantation hereditary conclusion) testing during IVF to choose the extremely the best undeveloped organisms for move or to check for hereditary conditions that you or your accomplice could go to your kids.
With the assistance of PGS, we can distinguish the reason for repetitive pregnancy misfortunes or fruitless fruitfulness cycles, select the exceptionally the best incipient organisms before implantation, and increment your IVF achievement rate.
Smaller than normal IVF
Accessible to patients at our Portland, ME focus just, insignificant incitement IVF (Mini IVF) offers a comparable way to deal with standard in vitro treatment, however with the objective of recovering fewer great eggs, as opposed to a higher amount of eggs. This offers ladies and couples the advantages of:
- Less time duty
- Lower cost
- Less ripeness meds
Not at all like standard IVF, has Mini IVF utilized more fragile meds or lower dosages of richness medications to invigorate the ovaries. This means less eggs gathered at egg recovery time. While conventional IVF regularly yields an opportunity to freeze incipient organisms that are not moved in a given cycle, it's considerably less frequently that Mini IVF produces an overflow of undeveloped organisms.