Micro TESA in Chennai
Micro TESA in Chennai
MicroTESE is a procedure performed for men who have a sperm production problem and are azoospermic. MicroTESE is performed in the operating room with general anesthesia under the operating microscope. MicroTESE is carefully coordinated with the female partner’s egg retrieval, and is performed the day before egg retrieval. This allows for each partner to be there for the other’s procedure. Patients frequently have donor sperm backup in case sperm are not found in the male partner. MicroTESE has significantly improved sperm retrieval rates in azoospermic men, and is a safer procedure since less testicular tissue is removed. Patients cryopreserve sperm during this procedure for future IVF/ICSI.
There are no drugs to treat or prevent varicoceles. But pain killers (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen) may help with pain. When needed, surgery is the main form of treatment. Embolization (briefly blocking the veins) is a non-surgical treatment option.