Semen Freezing Treatment

Semen Freezing Treatment for IVF
Semen freezing and banking (otherwise called stockpiling) is a type of richness protection accessible at our facilities.
By deciding to freeze your sperm, you can keep your choices open for having a kid later on.
How can it work?
Sperm can remain solidified for a long period but, under current UK legislation,the standard stockpiling is 10 years. This choice can offer you an approach to save your sperm on the off chance that you are confronting therapeutic treatment that could bargain your future richness.
Is it directly for me?
Looming medical procedure, or treatment that may hinder or harm your fruitfulness, is the most well-known purpose behind freezing and banking sperm, for example, malignant growth treatment or vasectomy medical procedure. On the off chance that your sperm tally or quality is influenced by your treatment, or if a future vasectomy inversion demonstrates fruitless, sperm banking – related to helped origination strategies – may permit you to have your own organic youngster later on.
What next?
You'll deliver sperm tests at one of our centers in private rooms intended to comfort you. These examples will be solidified for your future use. You can peruse the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority's (HFEA) data for putting away sperm
In the event that sperm is solidified and stored for you at the facility, we'll get in touch with you every year to approach you to affirm your desires for the following a year. On the off chance that you wish to proceed with capacity, you should pay a yearly stockpiling charge.